Modularize your learning – Personalize your path, excel in your passion.
Common Core
Domain Courses
Fundamental Courses
HKUST (GZ) adopts a broad undergraduate admissions system with a phased approach
to nurture students.
In Year 1 and 2 students will enroll in Fundamental Courses according
to their interests and background as well as courses in other areas
to fulfill the Common Core Program requirement.
In Year 3, students will declare their major program.
Undergraduate Common Core Courses
The 30-credit UG Common Core Program
will use a scaffolding model with pre-requisites built
into the three Common Core groups, namely
Foundations, Broadening,
and Experiencing.
All undergraduates will complete the same set of requirements regardless
of their major discipline of study and be expected to complete the majority
of the common core credits in Year 1 and 2.
Through the common core experience, students will not only excel
in their chosen discipline of study, but will also be nurtured
through the study of arts, humanities, and cultural studies.
More about the UG Common Core Program
Undergraduate Fundamental Courses
To build up the solid STEM foundation for undergraduate students
before they enter into the studies of major programs,
HKUST(GZ) offers fundamental courses to the undergraduate students
from Year 1 to Year 2
in STEM areas including Mathematics, Chemistry,
Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, etc.
of different levels based on the requirements of major programs.
Students can select a list of fundamental courses based on their backgrounds,
interests, curriculum requirements of different UG programs
and student academic advisors to prepare well for their future studies
of major programs.
More about the UG Common Core Program